Women Build 2025

Building Futures – Two Families, One Foundation


Join the Women Build Movement!

We’re seeking up to 20 passionate women to lead teams for our upcoming Women Build project. As a team leader, you’ll organize a group to both build and fundraise for a home that will change the lives of two families. Here’s what you need to know:

  • It’s easy, fun, and incredibly rewarding!
    Each team can have up to 10 members (women and men) who are ready to make a lasting, positive impact in our community.

  • What we’re building:
    This year, we’re constructing a duplex from the ground up! On day 1, a Women Build team will raise and set the exterior walls on the foundation. By the end of June, we aim to complete the framing, sheathing, roofing, window and door installation, and siding. It’s an ambitious goal—so the more team members, the better!

  • Your exclusive build day:
    Each team gets a dedicated day on the construction site, creating a perfect opportunity to bond with friends, coworkers, church groups, or family members. Every participant receives a Women Build t-shirt, lunch, and a swag bag as a thank-you for their hard work. Most importantly, you’ll be part of helping two families achieve their dream of homeownership.

  • Fundraising made simple:
    Each team member will have a personalized peer-to-peer fundraising page, easy to share on social media, via text, or by email. Teams are asked to raise $4,000 (about $400 per person) to help bring this project to life.

Learn More About the Women Build Campaign

Click here to share your name, contact information, and possible interests with Women Build. We’ll be in touch and provide all the details you need!


Need more inspiration to join the Women Build movement? Check out a video showing what Women Build teams and donors accomplished last year and a picture of Eureka standing on her porch with some Women Build team members on dedication day.