Monthly Donations

Women Build Club

Did you love being a part of the Women Build? Wish you could build on a private build day more frequently? Want to keep the fun, productivity and feel-good satisfaction going all year?  You can, and it’s easy! 

When you become a member of the Habitat Susquehanna Women Build Club, you provide Habitat Susquehanna with a consistent and reliable source of funding that allows us to plan ahead and reach more families in need of decent, affordable housing. More than 70% of Habitat Susquehanna homebuyers are female heads of households, low-income, and most impacted by rising costs.” 

Joining the Women Build club will help us continue to provide a hand-up, not a hand out to these families.  Plus, you’ll enjoy lots of special “insider perks” as outlined below. 

** NEW PERK -If you join the Women Build club and commit to monthly donations, all your monthly donations received prior to the completion of 2024 Women Build fundraising competition will count toward your 2024 team total! ***

Seven great reasons to join "The Club".

1.    Automatic, hassle-free monthly donations from your credit card or checking account. 

Simply choose the amount you’d like to donate monthly and you’re in.  And, if needed, donations can be suspended or changed at any time. 
2.    Volunteering with Women Build is fun!

You can do things you might have never thought possible—like master power tools—in a safe, supportive environment. Our site supervisors are great teachers and experts at finding tasks that fit everyone’s comfort level.

3. You will positively impact families in our community for generations

The houses built by Women Build volunteers provide safe, affordable places for local families to call home.  Habitat homeowners overwhelmingly say their kids are doing better in school, their families are healthier, and they feel more connected and invested in the community.

4. You can make great connections

Women Build volunteers are passionate about improving our community. Being a part of the Women Build club connects you with other like-minded, motivated individuals. They are the kind of people it’s good to know and can help you build your network whether you’re looking for a new job, new friends, or a new adventure. 

5. Improve your health 

Research shows the benefits of volunteering go beyond just the exercise component. There are numerous studies indicating volunteering reduces stress and increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine. By spending time in service to others, volunteers report feeling a sense of meaning and appreciation, both given and received, which can have a stress-reducing effect. Reduced stress further decreases risk of many physical and mental health problems, such has heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety and general illness. In addition, a Longitudinal Study of Aging found that individuals who volunteer have lower mortality rates than those who do not, even when controlling for age, gender and physical health.

6. You will see our world through new eyes

Working on a Habitat build site can offer a great deal of perspective. You’ll understand the challenges lower-income households face, but also see all the things you have in common with the people you’re volunteering with. Nothing breaks down barriers faster than doing something meaningful, in partnership, with someone who has had a different life experience than you.

7. Receive exclusive, club perks as outlined above.   

* note Club members will be invited to the Women Build Club build days through a private invitation link.  Tees, baseball caps, hardhats and ReStore gift card will be ready within 60-90 days of joining the club. This timing will help us order tees according to sizes requested – to the best of our ability and not over-order. 🙂 Thank you!